

Hydroseeding is a fast, cost effective way to establish a new lawn, or to rejuvenate an existing lawn that is in need of restoration. While people often think of hydroseeding as applicable to banks along a highway, or other slope situations, it provides many advantages for basic lawns as well.The process involves creating a slurry comprised of seed and a biodegradable mulch. This is sprayed onto the prepared lawn surface, providing the following advantages:

  • The seed is more firmly established in the soil, resulting in a higher germination rate and better protection from birds.

  • The seed starts growing immediately, and protected by mulch, is less prone to drying out from wind, and erosion. A hydroseeded lawn becomes established much sooner than a hand-seeded lawn, giving you a faster result, but also less time to be subject to dry spells or erosion-causing rain squalls.

  • Hydroseeding mulch adds to the humus content of a lawn as it decomposes.

  • The mulch has a green dye which, in addition to being more attractive than bare soil or straw mulch, while your lawn emerges, also provides evidence of the evenness of application.

At Our Town Landscaping, we’ve been hydroseeding lawns for over 30 years. Our particular hydroseeding unit, a Bowie Lancer 500, was chosen because it is well-suited for most of the types of areas we work with here in the Monadnock region. We’ve been doing this for over 25 years, and our experience ensures that you will get a high quality lawn installation.